Thursday, May 5, 2011

It Was a Blast!

Thank you, 23 Things Team!

This program was the most fun I've had at work in a long time. Not to mention the fact that it was a phenomenal learning experience. Every exercise was interesting, challenging, and educational. I have so many new tools to put to use both at work and at home. And I feel so much more techno-savvy than I did 13 weeks ago.

What did I enjoy the most? There wasn't any project that I didn't enjoy but, by far and away, my most favorite activity is Blogging. Flickr ran a close second. Any endeavour in which I can stretch my creative wings gets my vote every time.

I am looking forward to delving more deeply into many of these applications on my own, as well. As I mentioned in a previous post, Facebook and Diigo are both places where I will want to spend more learning and participation time. And I still have most of my collection to add to Library Thing.

I can't say enough about 23 Things. I feel grateful that the Library felt that these were worthwhile skills for us to learn and gave us the opportunity and the time to participate.

With that, I can't resist telling you about one more ghost (although I plan to continue to Blog as ghostgirl in the future). I think Library ghosts are too much fun and there are so many. I would love to continue to compile their stories here.

For my final "23 Things" haunting I have chosen the Brand Public Library in Glendale California....

The building itself was constructed in 1904 and was originally the home of Leslie Coombs Brand. He lived there until his death in 1925. In his will, Brand stipulated that the house be converted into a library. Legend has it that it is the ghost of Leslie Brand that haunts the library to this day.

According to an L.A. Times article, "Stories are passed on of a...shadowy male figure ascending the stairs, of a presence in the tower, of the feeling, when standing near his portrait, of being watched".

If you're feeling in the mood for a good healthy dose of adrenaline, click on the postcard image below for a more detailed story.

And don't forget to check back from time to time. I'll be the first to let you know if our own local paranormal activity heats up in the future. On some dark and stormy night when the Library is deep in slumber and the stacks are silent, I just may attempt some EVP's...

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