Sunday, March 13, 2011

Putting Myself Out There

Well, I finally registered my blog. Being a fairly private person, it took a fair bit of courage to actually post my first entry. But I decided to have fun with this, so I finally thought "why not" and hit the "Publish Post" button. I am expecting each posting to become a bit less stressful as I become accustomed to having a 'public voice'.

Time will tell if anyone actually every reads my blogs, but as mentioned in my first posting, I plan to introduce readers to a different Library ghost or haunted Library each week. Perhaps others will find these spectral patrons as fascinating as I do and this blog may take on a life of it's own!

This week, may I present for your consideration, the Ghost of the Grey Lady, said to haunt the Willard Public Library in Evansville, Indiana. And she's not a solitary spook, it seems. To quote the fans of the Willard Library website, "According to Para-Vision Investigations, who investigated the Library in October of 2000, there are likely 9 ex-persons haunting those Hallowed Halls (or what Para Vision calls "non biological entities"). Various CamWatchers have reported at least one man, several children - both male and female (one appeared to be a young black boy), and at least 2 different women".

 Yes, Willard Library takes its spectral inhabitants so seriously that it has installed a number of  throughout the Library. Click on the image of the Library above and you'll be taken to their website. So until next week...Happy Ghost-hunting!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see what other library ghosts you uncover.

    I think your background is booootiful!!
